
The Winners of the Bookend 2 Bookend Book Review Competition

January 28, 2013

Hello fellow Junkies,

Jess from Bookend 2 Bookend had a hard job of choosing only three amazing-sounding books to review. After narrowing it down, she decided on:

1. Right Click, Love by M.B. Feeney
2. Fat Chance by Brandi Kennedy
3. Shattered by Karl Jones

If you are one of these authors, hit me up either via email (authorlaurendawes(at)gmail(dot)com), or on my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/authorlaurendawes) so I can grab your email address and send the info to Jess. 

She would also like to say that although she could only choose three, she will be looking out for the other authors in the future, and to remind them that they can approach the other bloggers who helped out on the blog post, too!

Congratulations and thank you so much for participating!

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