
New Year's Resolution

December 31, 2014

I hate New Year’s Resolutions, but this year I decided I had to have one (or two in this case). Twenty-fourteen was a busy year for me. I went to my first indie author convention, my first comic con, got signed for a three book deal with Momentum publishing, published two books, started another…oh, and had a baby too! 

Talk about crazy!

For twenty-fifteen, I’d like to write at least two more books. The first will be the third installment of the Dark Series, and the second with be Omega, the fifth book in the Helheim Series. Both of these books are big ones as they’re the final ones in the series. 

I’d also like to be a little more active on the social media front – mostly with my blog. I feel like it’s fallen by the wayside with all the craziness I’ve attracted this year.

In order to keep myself on track, I’ve decided to do the proverbial killing of two birds with one stone. I’m going to write (naturally) but I’m also going to write a weekly blog of my week’s happenings. This will more than likely be a wrap up of the scene I’d written that day, or perhaps it’ll be something along the lines of I couldn’t get ten minutes to myself to write because the baby with distracting me with her cuteness. 

In any case, there will be daily posts from me on my blog. I hope to see you all there and I hope you stay tuned. Let’s hope twenty-fifteen isn’t as manic as this year was for me. Happy New Year!

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