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May 17, 2017

The Dark Trilogy

Well, it has been some time since the Dark Trilogy was removed from online retailers. I'm working so hard to get all three books back up and available to purchase, but I've recently run into a HUGE problem.

My computer decided to die on me last Friday. I've tried all I can to get it up and running again, but have had no luck so far. It's time to bring in the professionals! I don't know how long this will delay me releasing Dark Desire and Dark Devotion digitally, but know that they are coming!

If you are after paperback versions of the books, I will have a limited number of copies available to buy at Oz Comic Con in Melbourne on July 1 & 2.

The Half Blood Series

In other news, I'm just over 70,000 words into the final Helheim Wolf Pack book. 

"Omega" is the working title, but if there are any other "Half-" inspired titles, I'd love to hear them!

This book is Brax's story and will be the final book in the series. It originally started as a 3 book series, but that soon expanded out to 5.


I've been accepted to go to Oz Comic Con in July. (Yahoo!) Held at Melbourne's Exhibition Center, I'll be there selling the 4 Half Blood books and the remaining stock I have for the Dark Trilogy. I'll be having some deals going with the Dark Trilogy - probably buy the first 2 books and get the 3rd for free (!) 

I'm also going to be at Supanova in Brisbane in November. I'm hoping to have the final Helheim book available then, and I'm so excited for everyone to read Brax's story. I'll also have some new stock for the Dark Trilogy with their brand spanking new covers. What an exciting year!

I guess that's it! Stay tuned to social media for any further updates and happy reading!

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