
A new and exciting adventure - PART 1

July 19, 2017

So, today I took a big step in my writing journey. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time, but the option has just never been there for authors outside of the US and UK. Have you guessed what it is yet? Yep! Audiobooks! I’ve taken the first steps to get audiobooks recorded and produced.

I’m starting with Dark Deceit and if everything goes smoothly, then I’ll do the other two books in the trilogy along with the Half Blood Series. 

I use a company called Draft2Digital (D2D) to sell my e-books through digital platforms like iTunes, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and a few other less well-known platforms (Tolino, Inktera, 24Symbols just to name a few). Very recently, D2D partnered up with a company called Findaway Voices (FV). On their website, this is what they say about who they are:

Findaway Voices is a service designed specifically to help authors and publishers create professionally narrated audiobooks and sell them through the world’s largest network of audiobook sellers. Findaway Voices is not a publisher. We work for you, and you always own the rights to your works.

https://my.findawayvoices.comWell, already I like the sound of them. I signed up with them just this morning. When I signed into my D2D account, I was able to select Findaway Voices as a distribution partner. When you add a new book with FV, you get a questionnaire to answer to find out a little more about your book and to match the tone of your book to one of their narrators. Here are the questions I was asked:

  1. Fiction or non-fiction?
  2. How would you describe the dominant emotional tone of your book?
  3. Do you have any accent or gender preferences?
  4. How does your narrator’s voice sound to you?
  5. How would you describe the heat level (i.e., sexual content) of your book? Is it squeaky clean, suggestive but not explicit, a few spicy scenes, or steamy all the way through?
  6. Is there anything we should know about the main character(s) that would help inform the recommendations (i.e. history, life experiences, personality traits, etc.)?

I really liked this approach. It means that I’ll have a tailored selection of narrators being put forward for me to choose from. In around 5-7 business days, I’ll have a list of narrators that fit my books tone based on the answers I gave in the questionnaire. 

So far, it’s been a super simple process. I hope it continues in the same way. Stay tuned for further updates on my progress!

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