
An update

May 08, 2013

Hello fellow Junkies,

It's been too long since I've written a post that wasn't a book review or cover reveal. I have a good excuse though. It has been a very busy time for me, not that I'm complaining that is. I guess the thing that has been consuming me the most has been the upcoming release of Dark Deceit including the cover reveal which happened on May 3rd. I'm so excited to have it out there and being seen by everyone. I've had some really good feedback about it, and a lot of potential new readers telling me they're looking forward to read it when it comes out July 1st.

Dark Deceit is like nothing I've ever written before. It required a lot of research and hours spent looking at images and trying to unravel a lot of the stories out there revolving around Norse mythology. If you haven't already guessed, Dark Deceit revolves around not only the Norse gods, but also the other creatures that belong to their world.

I've always been fascinated by Norse mythology, and if you know anything about it and have read my first series Half Blood, you'll see that I've named my wolf packs after some Norse places and people.

The lead up to its release will be pretty full-on, too. Author Anna Zaires will have me as a guest blogger over at her website where I'll be giving a very rough: Norse Mythology 101 lecture as an information gap before people read Dark Deceit. I also have a blog tour happening. As it stands, I have 8 wonderful bloggers willing to review for me, and hopefully they'll have good things to say, too. If you're a book blogger and keen to join in, click the link above and put in for a date.

Even though I've just finished writing a 90+ thousand word novel, my brain simply wouldn't shut down. On April 23rd, I began writing the 4th book in the Half Blood series which is Alex and Saskia's story. Planning didn't take very long at all with all the characters vying for my attention to tell their individual stories. Nine chapters down, I already have 20,000 words under my belt, roughly working on a 3000 word a day habit.

In other news, I finally got a job! It's full-time, but at the moment that's okay. It does mean a potential slow down in writing the 4th Half Blood book. Never fear though, I shall tuck myself up in my writing caves after dinner and do a couple of solid hours every night or every other night to get it written.

I'm also redoing the Half Blood covers for all three books in order to match them to the 4th book. This means hours looking through stock images that haven't been used to death on other romance novel covers. I refuse to have the same two models on my book covers...you know the ones I'm talking about right??

*cough-these ones-cough*

 Anyways, that's what I've been doing. Busy busy! And now I must get back to it. There's a book to be written and some more covers to be redesigned. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me an email at authorlaurendawes[at]gmail[dot]com

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